miércoles, 30 de abril de 2008

muere Albert hoffman padre de la lsd

El martes 29 de Abril, a las 9:00 de la mañana, ha fallecido el padre de la LSD en su casa en Basilea. A sus 102 años nos dejó quien ha abierto las puertas de la percepción a millones de personas, creador de la LSD, aisló y sintetizó las mescalina, la psilocibina y la LSA del Oliouiqui.

Menos conocido es el desarrollo de al menos otros 3 compuestos, no psicoactivos, que se utilizan en gran medida en medicina:
Methergine, usada para parar la hemorragia después del parto; la Hydergina que estimula la circulación linfática y la cerebral; y el Dihyergot, usado para estabilizar la circulación y la presión sanguínea.

Os dejo con unas palabras en inglés de Rick Doblin, amigo cercano de Hofmann:

"Albert died at home at 9 AM Basel time from a myocardial infarction, quick and relatively painless. Two caretakers were there with him at the time. The only people who were told were people from Burg, the village where he lived, and Peter and others were surprised the word of his death had gotten out so quickly. It's the age of the internet...

Albert had been increasingly thinking of death these last few months. He had stopped leaving his home, where he said he could feel the spirit of Anita, his wife who died December 20, 2007. He didn't come to the World Psychedelic Forum a month ago, but did entertain some visitors at his home. We spoke on the phone the day after the Basel conference and he was happy and fulfilled. He'd seen the renewal of LSD psychotherapy
research with his own eyes, as had Anita. I said that I looked forward to discussing the results of the study with him in about a year and a half and he laughed and said he'd try to help the research however he could, either from this side or "the other side".

Now it even more falls on younger generations to transform LSD into a legal medicine and beyond that into a tool for personal growth legally available to all."


Que en paz descanse...


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